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  Work Experience
  IBM Canada Ltd.
Software developer, 1992 through 2008.
Consulting partner, 2008 though 2019.
  Eclipse Source
Consulting partner, 2017 though the present.
  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Training in the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework.
  Canadian Space Agency
Training in the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Xcore.
Optimize the use, performance, and memory-footprint of the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Xcore for various projects, most notably their Autosar IDE.
Optimize and extend the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework for designing financial applications.
  European Space Agency
Optimize the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework as well as the use of Oomph for their complex development environment setup.
  TreeAge Software
Optimize the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework.
Automate a complex C/C++ build environment driven from an EMF model and reusing concepts from Oomph.
Improve the implementation of the Xtext-based, XMAL-style language used for configuring networks.
Improve the implementation of the Xtext-based, typescript-like language used for building internet sites and use Oomph to set up the complex development environment.
Optimize the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework for the generation of specialized implementation classes.
Improve Xcore editor performance and improve the peformance of EMF's code generation framework to improve Swisscom's development experience when using Xcore.
  Eclipse Source
Optimize the performance of the EMF Compare project's algorithms. For example, a performance of a comparison of two large sample models was reduced from an estimated 270 days to a mere 25 seconds.
Optimize the use of the Eclipse Modeling Framework for the generation of specialized frameworks and implement a complete spreadsheet-like IDE for designing complex, industrial, component configurations.
Improve the performance of the Eclipse Rich Client Application used by the Deutsche Rentenversicherung employees.
  Eclipse Foundation
  Eclipse Board Foundation of Directors
Elected committer representative, 2007 though the present.
  Eclipse Community Forums
More than 31,000 helpful answers posted on Eclipse Community Forums since 2002.
  Eclipse Community Awards
Eclipse Community Awards as Top Newcomer Evangelist, Top Ambassador, and Top Committer, as well as for Lifetime Achievement.
  Eclipse Projects
  Eclipse Modeling
Project Management Committee lead of the Eclipse top-level Modeling project since 2007.

The top-level Modeling project is one of Eclipse's most diverse projects comprising more than 50 subprojects. It provides a wealth of technologies for building a broad range of applications quickly and easily.
  Eclipse Modeling Framework
Project lead of the Eclipse Modeling Framework project since 2001.

The Eclipse Modeling Framework provides the core technology for Eclipse's stack of modeling technologies and well beyond that, e.g., it is used by the Eclipse Platform project for modeling the state of the workbench so is ubiquitously available in all Eclipse installations. It has evolved to become the defacto, industry-standard Java implementation of EMOF and is used by a broad range of commericial adopters.

This technology can be used to build functionally-complete applications quickly and easily, so quickly that it's often possible to produce an initial prototype during an initial consulting session. No one knows better how to exploit this stack of technologies.
  Eclipse XML Schema Definition
Project lead of the Eclipse XML Schema Definition project since 2001.

The XML Schema Definition project provides a complete implementation of the W3C's XML Schema specification. Its integration with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, i.e., the mapping from *.xsd to *.ecore, provides a more flexible, light-weight alternative to technologies such as JAXB and XML Beans.
  Eclipse Oomph
Committer of the Eclipse Oomph project since 2014.

The Oomph project provides a rich set of technologies primarily focused on automating the provisioning of specialized development environments and workspaces. For example, there is a setup for provisioning a development enviroment for the complete Eclipse Platform SDK that allows any newcomer to get started with no apriori knowledge. The Oomph project provides the Eclipse Installer which is downloaded and used more than 12,000,000 times per year.

This technology can save your organization time and of course time is money. It is used in practically all customer engagements to automate the process of setting up a customer-specific development enviroment. No one knows better how to exploit this technology to the fullest.
  Eclipse JustJ
Project lead of the Eclipse JustJ project.

The JustJ project provides support for easily redistributing complete Java runtimes, with a commericially friendly license, along with an application. You can rest assured that your application will run out-of-the box, regardless of what the end-user has installed on their machine.
  Eclipse Platform
Committer on the Eclipse Platform project since 2015, and a contributor since inception.

With 20 years of experience using this technology, anything you can imagine can be built from it, and any bug that you might encounter have can be fixed at the source.
  Plug-in Development Enviroment
Committer on the Eclipse Plug-in Development Enviroment project since 2020.

Having built Oomph technologies that extend PDE, contributing bug fixes has been stream-lined with committer access.
  Eclipse Equinox
Committer on the Eclipse Equinox project.

Having built Oomph technologies that extend p2, contributing bug fixes has been stream-lined with committer access. There are few experts in the world with more experience with p2.

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